Friday, January 30, 2009


Service to the People:
1. Is the Fire Department put in a situation that makes things hard but doesn’t necessarily cut out rendering a service for helping people?

2. In the Cedar fires 2400 homes were burned down, it is reported that one of the reasons that not all the houses were saved is because of staffing levels and lack of available resources. Do you think that if these were not a factor then the fire department could have saved more houses?

3. Do you think that 2400 houses is a lot compared to all of what you saved?

4. “The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard is to arrive on scene of an emergency within six minutes 90 percent of the time; in San Diego, we hit six minutes less than 50 percent of the time.” This quote is from the Local 145 website. Why is this, is this due to staffing levels and available resources?

5. How do you feel about overtime vs. more engine companies? Will this help the people in the long run or just save money, will this ware out the firefighters faster? "Studies indicate that firefighters and police officers lose a substantial amount of time off their lifespan due to stresses, exposures and physical impairment (thus lessening the liability to the retirement system)."
-Quote from the Local 145.

6. Cutting down the size of the academies and instead of having two academies this year only having one. How will this affect the way that the departments have shifts? Are there any other concerns because of this?

7. Former Chief Bowman said that he could not do anything to improve staffing levels and available resources. This has been a problem in the national response time. He said that he could not do anything to help better the situation, Chief Jarman said in regards to cutting down the number of firefighters, “It will compound the problem a bit, but this was the best option available.” How do you feel about this, knowing that the chief has limited options, options that will cut peoples jobs that are necessary to protecting life and property?
-Quote from

8. Budget cuts affect the public safety, how?

Problem Solving:
9. How do firefighters, like you, cope with the current financial crisis we are facing in the economy? (Personally/as an organization)

10. What motivates you to put your life on the line in a situation for fighting a major fire? Is it more of community rallying and team effort or is there something that motivates you from inside?

11. Do you feel supported by the government?

12. How do you feel that situations like this could better be handled?

13. What have you done to help better situations like this?

14. How many firefighters do you think are actively involved in trying to have better working situations? (1,319 Local 145 members)

15. Do you think that the effort put in is getting the department anywhere? (Examples)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mariah's First's: Internship

My first day of internship was January 13th. Right after my last class I grabbed something to eat and went directly to my internship site. I started early because I found my own internship. My Internship is with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). I drive to internship, which is very convenient. On my first day I met everyone in the office, this was very fun because I became very good friends with everyone in there. They are all very nice people. I helped my mentor get ready for the meeting later. Then I spoke to my mentor about plans for what the internship would consist of.

Friday, January 23, 2009

China isn't honoring the International Agreement, does that mean we shouldn't too?

"United there is little we cannot do...Divided there is little we can do."

John F. Kennedy said this in his inauguration speech. Today in North Korea, The people are very aware of this relying on humanitarians, traffickers, activists, and missionaries to operate an Asian underground railroad. There are many who are trying to escape from North Korea. These civilians are working and paying for their freedom.

John F. Kennedy also said, "In your hands, my fellow citizen, more then mine." It is up the North Koreans to become free and even though there the government is against that, the people have united in helping each other.

"These people have lost all their rights,” states Pastor Chun Ki-won an active member in the transport to freedom.

Pastor Chun has taken it into his own hands to free many North Koreans and even though China should be taking North Koreans as refugees China is labeling them as "economic migrants". If North Koreans are caught, punishments such as starved, torched or even publicly executed and because of this punishment, China is being urged to honor its International Agreement to take in refugees.

"In the Months leading up to the 2008 Olympics, Chinese authorities intensified their efforts to apprehend defectors”
–National Geographic February 2008 magazine.

Chinese would deport dozens sometimes hundreds of defectors in just the course of one week. With everything against them it would be easy to give up so it seems, but the choice that North Koreans face is no rights or possibly dying in an effort to have a much better life in South Korea.
Because the United States of America has laws to protect them, John F. Kennedy talks in his inauguration speech “ We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom.” This is something that for North Koreans that are defectors is striving for. Because it will not happen in there own country they are choosing to leave.

“To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required -- not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”

The North Koreans are trying to have a better life, they are showing effort in reaching freedom, giving everything and running the risks of death and work prisons, starvation and the fear of starting over. There are many out there trying to escape, and though there is few helping them, still there are suffers, still there is injustice, we still have a window to help. China is not honoring their International Agreement, does that mean that we shouldn’t too?

O'Neill, Tom. "Escaping North Korea." National Geographic Feb. 2009: 74-99.
John F. Kennedy's First
Inauguration Speech

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted – for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame."

it has been known to be said that the greatest gifts in life come with hard work. Obama's inauguration I found to be more powerful. The reason behind this is that "the greatness of our nation" I translate that into the greatness of the people since the people make the nation. I get the sense that everyone holds a power to achieve what is most important to them. That is the reason the United States of America was established was for this reason and no one will miss out on the tangible American Dream.

I have often found myself wondering why others can cheat and not get caught, lie and not feel bad, steal and think that nothing is wrong. Why my grades in school would struggle while those who took a less honest path would get the grade that determines college and career opportunity. Grades, the whole system to me seams unjust in the fact that I am labeled to a letter and that is looked at at surface value. In Obama's inauguration I felt more like a person and that hard work will be acknowledged in this country.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Rock and Rolls, Fame to Blame? (revising)

"well, it used to be a vulgarism back in the dead old days"

Music is always changing content wise on what is considered appropriate to say. Parental advisories have been established to help inform people of what kind of music they are buying. At the beginning of rock and roll music Buddy Holly was considered devilish but compared to modern day music could only be looked at as innocent lyrics. The standard for what is considered an advisory is also changing label to label.

“Oh, how my heart yearns for you. Oh, Peggy, my Peggy sue.”
These lyrics are from Buddy Holly’s “Peggy Sue”. The lyrics simply mean that Buddy Holly feels sad when Peggy is not around. The original song was named “Cindy Lou” after Buddy’s niece but then later was changed to Peggy Sue after a band member’s girl friend. That means that the music wasn’t even talking about a girlfriend. However in the 1950’s this was considered the devil’s music. When speaking openly about kissing a girl, and to conservatives in the “bible belt” of America this was inappropriate. Enough to have Buddy’s dad disown him.

“I got my brain on hype. Tonight'll be your night .I got this long-a**ed knife, and your neck looks just right.”

This song is referring to killing police officers. This song brought up so much controversy that the song ended up taking off the song off the album.

Three: Both of these songs had consequences for their songs. Between the two, “Cop Killer” is most certainly worse in topic however Buddy Holly got similar treatment when his music came out. Local radio stations were told not to play his music. How are the lyrics different but both given the name by people of "devilish". Why is this?

Conclusion: with Americans freedom of speech right protected, we could say whatever we want with the only downside being people's approval at risk.

Friday, January 9, 2009

In these article, there were a few things that caught my attention. What was interesting to me was when the 7 sins article said that "by taking policymaking away from scientist, and turning it over to industry cronies" What made me wonder about this quote it, if the scientists know what we should do and back it up with evidence then when election comes around then the people that vote for who they want to represent them then they should pick an environmentalist. This would help them in getting a better environment. Another thing that I knoticed about the articles is that in the 7 sins, he says "Obama Mission" a lot. These are to state Obama's plans. bush also had plans and some people like the person who wrote 7 sins should also consider that Obamas only has plans now so we should be optimistic but also realize that even though he has good ideas we should wait for action to decide what will happen.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Community Emergency Responce Team (CERT) Internship

1. What do you hope to learn or discover about the "adult" world of work while you are at your internship?

I hope to gain experience of how to react in situations and how the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) works since the San Diego Fire Department (SDFD) works with them.
My fundamental goal is to become a Firefighter for the city of San Diego. I would like to develop the knowledge I have acquired through the Cadet Firefighter program and apply it to this internship.

2. What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself and your identity while you are at your internship this semester?

I want to be able to identify what an internship should consist of and how to react in certain situations such as the kind of knowledge that I should gain.

3. What goals do you have for yourself for your internship experience?

I am not really sure what I am getting into since I have never done this before. I feel that if I get anything out of this that it would be anything that will help me in the long run become a Fire Fighter.