Thursday, December 10, 2009

Variegatum Spider Plant

The Spider Plant is a member of the Lily Family. The reason it is called the spider plant is because the way the leaves spread. Another name that you might hear it called is the Airplane Plant. This is because of the propeller like leaves.

Origin:It comes from West Africa. Capetown was a popular place to stop when traveling back from China. Souvenir plants included the spider plant and that is how it came to America!

Nutrition: A caution when watering the spider plant is using tap water. This is because some tap water has high fluoride levels. They put this in water to prevent tooth decay but is not friendly for your Spider Plant!

Fun Fact:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Artist Statement

The reason why we chose to focus on the ingredients in Cool whip was because we both were interested in how much High Fructose Corn Syrup and other ingredients were possibly in it that most people didn't know about. So that's why we chose to focus on the top three ingredients for Cool Whip, so that we could go more in depth with the main ones. The top three main ingredients, besides water, for cool whip are hydrogenated vegetable oil, corn syrup, and high fructose corn syrup. We found that choosing this topic will hopefully make people more aware of what is in their food. We find it important for people to be aware of what is in their food and what's going in their bodies. For example most people don't know that High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a product of corn wet-milling formed when the starches enzymes are broken down to fructose. That HFCS is a major sugar substitute has been known to be a major cause of childhood obesity and other health related problems.

Working throughout this project we were amazed at the fact that HFCS is in so many products. But what amazed us more was the argument for why HFCS is not harmful. HFCS is not bad in moderation this is true. However because it is in so many of our food products, the over consumption is harmful on a humans liver, The liver is the only place that HFCS can be broken down compared to pure sugar that can be processed throughout the entire body.

HFCS and the cons of it needs more public awareness. What would be nice to see is a decrease in tax-subsidy for HFCS. There are places that a person can go to buy foods without HFCS. This costs more because it is imported. Its up to the buyer right now to decide if spending more on their foods is what they want to do. The option out there for healthier foods. However, it is more expensive.

"Specialty Grain Terms A3-50 December 2006." Iowa State University Extension. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2009. .

"What is Corn Syrup?" WiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions. Web. 30 Nov. 2009.