Thursday, September 11, 2008

9.11.2001 (Revised)

“Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama called off their campaigns for the day, and in the late afternoon descended the long ramp into the pit of the trade center site, bowing their heads and leaving the flowers in a reflecting pool.”

An article "Some find other ways to mourn on 9/11 anniversary"

This sort of makes me mad. In the article it says that McCain and Obama called off their campaigns for the day, which is the respectful thing to do. This is not a day for politics, but do they really have the right to go down in the pit of the trade center.

Right now I feel like anything they do is based on what the public will see of them. Do they really know how all these people felt when seeing them crash? It feels very political for the presidential candidates going down. Anyone can put on a sad face and act respectful, but how on earth are we to know what the candidates truly think? Will we ever? It is hard to say that what the candidates for president do is only to impress the public but I really don't think they deserve the right to go down to the pits. I can think of thousands of other people that it brings up too many bad memories for them to go down there, to the place where thousands died. It feels like a mockery of the pain that people went through, to walk on the grounds, take pictures and have the news write about how McCain and Obama cleared there day to pay a tribute to these people when victims of the terrorist attack’s family, it hurts the family to see the place where loved ones died.

A tragic event turned political. Why else would it be mentioned in the article? This article also talks about other ways of morning, on the beach, with friends, family, the anniversary a memorial.

If anyone else were to go down there to pay respect on any other day of the year I doubt that they would get on television, yet these two men can go down there with some news reporters gladly following them, it sickens me to think that America has made these men celebrity’s when America is for the people and should focus on the people on such a tragic day, when the people need us to support them, I don’t need to know McCain’s and Obama's 2 cents.

I feel I am not alone on this that many others agree. Not minutes after writing this I turned on the television. My Network TV had a 2008 "hero’s among us: hero awards" 8-10pm on 9.11.08. The show focuses on heroes, ordinary people getting recognized for heroic acts. What stuck out to me about this show is everyone so far said that they acted on instinct reactions not thinking it was a heroic act. The people on this show are very humble. This is the first show I have seen where the people don't feel like they deserve the award. This is a non-profit show. When I started to think about this, a lot of what I see on television is about the hate crimes and tragic events and terrorist, all depressing topics cover the news; some would wonder how many good people are there out there. I see the bad and I know there is good this show shows the good. Another thing to think about is Thomas Hobbs. He believed in every man for himself and human nature would help each other out. Seeing the news on TV I would never believe his theory would work, maybe Hobbs saw the good in people, like what “My Network TV” show shows. I can’t really quote this show but here is a video segment.

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