Monday, February 16, 2009


What responsibility do we have for the understanding of science?
Darwin had a question and went out to try and solve it. As humans we have a responsibility to become who we want to be. So for someone who is curious about the world around them it is there responsibility to go and figure it out. This is what Darwin did, we have to learn from what he discovered and make our own discoveries.

How should science influence our decisions, laws, and culture?

Something like gravity has been proven to be true, so we should not build things or do things that would go against Newtons laws because that would be dangerous. By questioning science we are making new discoveries. I think that imagination and curiosity are the reasons that as a human race we have come so far. Inventing things like the airplanes and cars are because people were willing to take a chance in being wrong. I think that behaviors such as curious, imaginative and questioning everything should be praised in a society that is growing rapidly.

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