Monday, November 24, 2008

Trash, Trash, Trash. Blame the Complainers

On November 22, 2008, community members gathered at Dog Beach in Ocean Beach to clean up trash. The number one litter found, as usual, cigarettes.

"Cigarette butts are the most littered item in The United States and the world." States the Surfrider Foundation.

Along with picking up trash, the people were given a paper to tally the types of trash they picked up and how much. That day 514 pounds of trash was collected. Walking around there was not big sized trash but small pieces. What I noticed was there was a lot of cigarette butts on the beach. I thought about the fact that they are illegal until the age of 18, and illegal on the beach. Because the age is 18, this is saying that with age comes responsibility, yet it is the number one litter.

It takes 10-12 years for a cigarette to decompose and there is some plastic in them that will never. Marine life, sea gulls and kids have all been witnessed incorporating them into their life. Marine life ingest them, sea gulls make nests with them and kids are using them with their sand castles.

A man smoking on the beach right by the lifeguard tower said, "There's signs everywhere," he said calling it "a bunch of crap."

There is two ways as always to take this, one being cigarettes are not that big of a deal and the other is they don't even pick up after themselves. "Cigarettes: 1.7 billion pounds of trash" coming from the Chicago Tribune. This is a lot of trash that marine life are eating, a way to stop this and protect the marine life is to throw away your trash.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Pass By, He Will Wait

The Cardboard sign, he holds up his prison number.
Numbers are letters spelling “Spare Change”
The world you love holds the streets he’s trapped in.
Don’t count the begs you here, its like crying tears
They never seem to stop until slumber reaches.
You’re in your nice house filled with material desires
He’s still on the street, everyone he meets,
Another reason to tear up.
By the dusted roads swept,
He sits and waits for the sun to rise.
He sits and waits for the day to activate.
He sits and waits for an indication of freedom.
He waits.
Grace is not given
Sadness known only to the suffer and half way to the witness.
He ignores the idea of blame and gets strait to the reason.
To the path that leads to the pit his father dug. He stumbles, he falls.
A reason so bad not even the rocks thrown at him know for sure what happened.
You hold the constitute of pride. Wanting him to sign it. Looking
For self-pleasure you ignore others life’s trying to clutch the life you have,
His life you’ve forgotten.

I am grateful that I do not have everything I want. I have warmth from the cold and a comprehensive mind. I could loose everything material, and I can still be happy. The way I look at life and the situations that arise, it is the moment when I choose to be positive or negative, It is that moment that I am grateful for, I have a choice on the way I live my life, that's all I need. No matter what my heritage is, I have my name, my time to make use of, my goals to set and achieve.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

H2O project

I am learning about dolphins and I need to work on finding more information. I need to also understand more about Crystal Pier, this will help me in my research. My discoveries are more for planing.

how much freedom I get. I really like how I have time in class to work. I get a lot done. It is really nice to have time in class.

Next I should.....
do some hard core research.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Time is also Needed

14th= work on interview questions, and getting a plan
Weekend=continue on questions so that by Monday I have all questions for interviews
17th(Monday)= try to set up interviews
18th(Tuesday)=gather information so I have background knowledge and revise questions
19th(Wednesday)= make an outline for my artist statement
20th(Thursday)= By this time I should have a better understanding of what still needs to be done.
21st(Friday)= if I fall behind in what I plan to do, this is the day reserved to catch up.

Resources Needed=
Wood, Paint, Brushes, Camera, Heal The bay information, Sea World interview, High Tech High Media Arts data,

People Needed=

Monday, November 10, 2008

Striving To Reflect In My Work

I would like to take concepts from this picture and incorporate it into my H2O project. Since I will be working on the food chain and its importance, I like the way it is easy to understand the way it works in this picture. I will base my food chain off of the animals used in this picture. Another thing that I like is the amount of information given. I think that in my food chain, I don't want to have the information in the picture but in my artist statement.

I read about the food chain in a article on-line. I like how the picture had multiple ways the chain could go. This gives information that I didn't get from the last example. I think that this is a good goal for me, to get as much information as possible, however I think I will focus on the basics first. Another thing that I liked was this food chain was a good example of information in sentence form with the picture. When I start writing my artist statement, I will look at this for a way to explain in a easy way to understand.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Thought, My Feelings, try to change me but I mold to what I believe

How do I feel about the election? So glad it's over. Even though propaganda is always around, there is something about the ad's I see trying to deceive people to hate another party. For an example, Democrat and Republic. Since I have my beliefs and they don't mirror what my peers think talking is almost impossible. News reporters use a technique where even if something is 99% right and 1% wrong they focus on the 1% and expand upon that. With no human being perfect, news reporters have it pretty easy. I cannot focus in such a negative setting. Since I am taking United States history this year, with the elections over I finally get a new setting, change is going to be good. (Yes I know Change is Obama's slogan).
I must say, I am glad prop eight passed. This is not because I believe that we should not give only certain people rights (which is not what the prop is about) but it is because I don’t believe in change for no reason. Marriage, between a man and a woman as stated in the bible is a religious concept. People who chose to break the definition of marriage have a civil union. Given the same rights, just a different name. I do not believe that gay's, and lesbians really lost anything at all, they have their rights, still. Christians however stuck to what they believe. With no help from Celebrities no donations from major companies the people fought for what they believe in. Not only that but this is a perfect example of democracy giving the power to the people. The prop passed and that is what America is for, the people.
My Hopes: That we will not pull out of the war. Once again, I don't believe in war unless necessary. For the average person, and me I don't know everything that is going on in the war, but I don't need to. There are things going on there that need to be done. I don't have evidence but I have the most discredited evidence ever, faith. If America pulls out of the war, a man with the heart of gold: Mr. Burdileno his life that he lost in an ambush in Iraq will be in vain. Every Sunday he was suppose to be there to make me laugh and teach me, he wasn’t because he gave his life to faith. If nothing is accomplished, nothing is gained. The pain I have been through will only serve as a sore spot I will then have with the government. I hope that if we do pull out of the war it will not be to make the people who don't know what is going on happy, but because we made a difference for the good. My hope is that the people who are so selfish as to say what's in it for me when people across the seas are suffering waiting for a sustain government these people across the seas there only hope is The United States of America.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

there and there but their not aware

Human knowledge of interaction and effects to the animals.
This is something that I am interested in learning about. With everything that is man made, there is reson for me to believe that these items are not suppose to be in the environment. "Coal-burning power plants are the largest U.S. source of carbon dioxide pollution " stated the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). My reason is with the growing of the industries, The world's cleaning system is breaking down. An effect is Southern California has seen in 2003 and 2007 wildfires. Because the world is getting hotter, things are drying up and igniting this not only effects humans and their houses but, all the animals who's habitat is now gone. For example San Diego imports 80% of the water they use, so it may not have seemed like water was a crisis but for animals and plants who use the San Diego's watershed, this was. When humans are in trouble, we have shelters for them, news reports, support. Experiencing the 2007 fires was really the first time I ever comprehended human desperation. News reports covered Qualcomm and the people flocking to it as well as other shelters. At the time I did not realize that when the TV would change news casters to brush being burnt the plants effected the CO2 being emitted and the animals habitat being destroyed.

The amount of human interaction with animals
The amount of interaction with anything could be discarded. For example the amount of time someone uses a pencil in a day, simple but I never counted. Another example is how many times I passed a bug in my house or outside. I get the impression that the general public has no idea how much they interact with other living things. One reason that I have concluded this is the simple shrike from a frightened human. I have experienced when going camping, girls have come screaming to me to get a spider out of their tent. After the spider or other insect has been removed from the sight of the traumatized girl, the stressed is immediately removed. Do these girls that I have been around realize that bugs are all around them? that those itchy red circles on all over them are from bugs biting them? Awareness is the key. Going back to the pencil example, I buy a pack of pencils and am good for a while but never know for sure when I will need to get more. Well the state the world is in, we cannot get a new planet when we ruin this one. When the animals have gone extinct because human advance in
technology the food chain will be gone and without the awareness of why we need the food chain we could very well kill ourselves with our own weapons.