Saturday, November 1, 2008

there and there but their not aware

Human knowledge of interaction and effects to the animals.
This is something that I am interested in learning about. With everything that is man made, there is reson for me to believe that these items are not suppose to be in the environment. "Coal-burning power plants are the largest U.S. source of carbon dioxide pollution " stated the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). My reason is with the growing of the industries, The world's cleaning system is breaking down. An effect is Southern California has seen in 2003 and 2007 wildfires. Because the world is getting hotter, things are drying up and igniting this not only effects humans and their houses but, all the animals who's habitat is now gone. For example San Diego imports 80% of the water they use, so it may not have seemed like water was a crisis but for animals and plants who use the San Diego's watershed, this was. When humans are in trouble, we have shelters for them, news reports, support. Experiencing the 2007 fires was really the first time I ever comprehended human desperation. News reports covered Qualcomm and the people flocking to it as well as other shelters. At the time I did not realize that when the TV would change news casters to brush being burnt the plants effected the CO2 being emitted and the animals habitat being destroyed.

The amount of human interaction with animals
The amount of interaction with anything could be discarded. For example the amount of time someone uses a pencil in a day, simple but I never counted. Another example is how many times I passed a bug in my house or outside. I get the impression that the general public has no idea how much they interact with other living things. One reason that I have concluded this is the simple shrike from a frightened human. I have experienced when going camping, girls have come screaming to me to get a spider out of their tent. After the spider or other insect has been removed from the sight of the traumatized girl, the stressed is immediately removed. Do these girls that I have been around realize that bugs are all around them? that those itchy red circles on all over them are from bugs biting them? Awareness is the key. Going back to the pencil example, I buy a pack of pencils and am good for a while but never know for sure when I will need to get more. Well the state the world is in, we cannot get a new planet when we ruin this one. When the animals have gone extinct because human advance in
technology the food chain will be gone and without the awareness of why we need the food chain we could very well kill ourselves with our own weapons.

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