Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Thought, My Feelings, try to change me but I mold to what I believe

How do I feel about the election? So glad it's over. Even though propaganda is always around, there is something about the ad's I see trying to deceive people to hate another party. For an example, Democrat and Republic. Since I have my beliefs and they don't mirror what my peers think talking is almost impossible. News reporters use a technique where even if something is 99% right and 1% wrong they focus on the 1% and expand upon that. With no human being perfect, news reporters have it pretty easy. I cannot focus in such a negative setting. Since I am taking United States history this year, with the elections over I finally get a new setting, change is going to be good. (Yes I know Change is Obama's slogan).
I must say, I am glad prop eight passed. This is not because I believe that we should not give only certain people rights (which is not what the prop is about) but it is because I don’t believe in change for no reason. Marriage, between a man and a woman as stated in the bible is a religious concept. People who chose to break the definition of marriage have a civil union. Given the same rights, just a different name. I do not believe that gay's, and lesbians really lost anything at all, they have their rights, still. Christians however stuck to what they believe. With no help from Celebrities no donations from major companies the people fought for what they believe in. Not only that but this is a perfect example of democracy giving the power to the people. The prop passed and that is what America is for, the people.
My Hopes: That we will not pull out of the war. Once again, I don't believe in war unless necessary. For the average person, and me I don't know everything that is going on in the war, but I don't need to. There are things going on there that need to be done. I don't have evidence but I have the most discredited evidence ever, faith. If America pulls out of the war, a man with the heart of gold: Mr. Burdileno his life that he lost in an ambush in Iraq will be in vain. Every Sunday he was suppose to be there to make me laugh and teach me, he wasn’t because he gave his life to faith. If nothing is accomplished, nothing is gained. The pain I have been through will only serve as a sore spot I will then have with the government. I hope that if we do pull out of the war it will not be to make the people who don't know what is going on happy, but because we made a difference for the good. My hope is that the people who are so selfish as to say what's in it for me when people across the seas are suffering waiting for a sustain government these people across the seas there only hope is The United States of America.

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