Friday, January 9, 2009

In these article, there were a few things that caught my attention. What was interesting to me was when the 7 sins article said that "by taking policymaking away from scientist, and turning it over to industry cronies" What made me wonder about this quote it, if the scientists know what we should do and back it up with evidence then when election comes around then the people that vote for who they want to represent them then they should pick an environmentalist. This would help them in getting a better environment. Another thing that I knoticed about the articles is that in the 7 sins, he says "Obama Mission" a lot. These are to state Obama's plans. bush also had plans and some people like the person who wrote 7 sins should also consider that Obamas only has plans now so we should be optimistic but also realize that even though he has good ideas we should wait for action to decide what will happen.

1 comment:

Enrique said...

what i like from your george bush blog is that you have evidence and quote and have your own opinion about this and good job on this.