Thursday, October 23, 2008

2008 Headache

Historically, I feel the 2008 presidential debates have gone down hill. I almost feel offended. Like the fact that long ago they could have conversations and act maturely about differences. I think that hearing all of this stuff about politics and debating has done one thing really for me, shown me that I would go insane if I ever tried to follow what 2008 candidates were saying and trying to get across. This is another change, even if I were at the level of the apparent "average citizen" or as Palin said "soccer mom" I think just as I have a hard time watching a lot of sitcoms, I cannot watch a lot of debates without getting a headache or falling asleep.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Where did the meaning go?

The Presidential debates, along with modern society have taken a turn. When the Lincoln-Douglas debates took place, well-developed ideas were spoken.
With instant gratification and perfection; what Americans expect from the presidents, pressure is the key ingredient to a good news story. Take for example the time allotted for each of the candidates for the 2008 elections. Are you familiar with presentations? Ones that only last about 15 minutes? Well from my experience of watching many of these I can see that many high school students can lip service their way through. The candidates for 2008 had approximately 2 to 3 minutes to talk about one subject. With enough um, likes, dramatic pauses and blinking anyone could pass with at least a satisfactory grade. I believe that the historical change in the debates, one being crucial; time. The Lincoln-Douglas debates had about an hour and thirty minutes to talk about one to two topics. In this of course they could wander off topic but the audience also noted this. Also today we have a lot more problems that have a broad range when back at the Lincoln-Douglas debates talked mostly about Slavery, the economics, morals, and states rights.

See, Hear, Repeat.

I was asked the question, "How has the Internet affected the way that Americans approach democracy? How do the Internet and its effects fit into the historical context of technology and democracy in America?"

The First question seems pretty obvious, with more resources at the tips of any ones fingers, as easy as pressing the enter key and information is almost instantly given. This has a lot to do with the availability of the Internet. Because information is so easy (and with websites like blogger where it is free) to post, there is a lot of stuff said that is wrong. There is a website; that tries to set the truth straight. The reason that I bring this up is because in democracy every person votes for every issue, sometimes trying to figure out what is true from false is hard. If I were to base my views on what I read on the Internet, there is a chance that it will not be true or only a small portion will be right. Trying to inform "the people" about what is true or sometimes trying to bend the truth which is also very easy to do.

Historically, the Internet is very new. Just in my years I have seen technology advance to heights I couldn't at the time imagine possible. There are a lot of connections that could be made about the decline in our country and the up bringing of technology. I can say that myself being a living example of this, I learn more and get less distracted when reading a book or doing activities that are more socially involved then "surfing the internet". Also it takes months to publish a book so when it is published it has gone through a lot of revisions and just like this blog which is on the internet, my blog has only been revised once, now twice.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Reflection for Newspaper

What did I like?
I think that I like "What Really Happened" the article that I wrote the best. Writing newspaper style i found, is hard for me. The style of getting to the point was hard for me to grasp since I have always been taught in the "length for a grade" example, 2 page paper. Having no guidline like that was hard, I like this one because I learned the most.

What would I improve?
Obituaries. I liked doing this part better but since I did it to fill space, I didnt take as much time looking at it as extra work, more creative writing. I am also not sure how historically accroute the stories are.

How did I manage my time?
I found out what the debates were about
where they took place
wrote and typed
found my topic (summary of debate)

I wrote a lot about my topic. I got a better understanding of what I am supost to do for homework. I read more of the debate (this is the most time consuming). My group has a plan for the rest of the project.

I finished the obituaries today. I also got a picture to go along. then I made an ad. This took up the entire time allotted.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Point, wait, Shoot

2008 Street Scene
I feel this picture expresses good composition. The person is off to the side. Then he is holding a saxophone, the instrument is pointing towards the center, drawing, at least my eyes to the rest of the picture.

San Diego Zoo 2008
Depth of View: In this picture, the bird is on focus. Because of this, It would seem that the viewer is looking at the bird and everything else is far away.

San Diego Zoo 2008

Color and Filling the Screen: This picture, the Flower fills the frame, for the most part. There is some negative space in between the petals. The color in this picture is the white and pink contrast for the main subject. Then in the background, there is black and green, colors that go together and contrast with white and pink.

2008 Street Scene

Lighting: The picture I found the lighting to be of good use. The man is wearing a tan shirt, and the lighting is yellows, pinks, and a little green. His hair is also blond. I think that because all the colors are similar it makes the picture look like it ties together and in place.

My Eye 2006
Macro photography: I am not sure still what this means but I have gathered that it means something up close. Well this is up close. The centering of the picture gives the impression that someone is staring at the viewer.

Teddy Bear 2008
Eye level: when looking at the teddy bear normally, you would see him to be small a normal size teddy bear. However, when zoomed in on, the bear would seem to be as big as the picture.

Pictures That I Find Interesting:

Cold War Kids 2008 Street Scene

All the pictures for this blog I took personally, except the last, that was taken by my friend.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What's New? Don't ask the news.

In Joneboro, Illinois, Lincoln debated Douglas for the 3rd time, addressing topics such as common powers, and territory with unions.

Douglas said, "[I] wish to ask you whether that principle was right or wrong which guarantied to every State and every community the right to form and regulate their domestic institutions to suit themselves."

Mr. Douglas expressed his opinion consisting of the idea of the United States should have "popular sovereignty", allowing the state residents to create laws pertaining to their area.

"He [Lincoln] says that they must all become free or all become slave, that they must all be one thing or all be the other, or this Government cannot last."

Lincoln believed in a federalist government where states have rights, just Lincoln wants more regulation. This debate discusses the conflict between the two ideas.

My initial thoughts when comparing to the 2008 Presidential debates: what happened? I have never been into politics nor does it interest me now. But looking at it from the perspective of I want to get something out of this motto, I cannot say I get anything more then a nice nap when hearing the rise and fall in intonation of the 2008 candidates. This could be due to the need for instant response to cover up mistakes that the media pushes on the candidates that turns me off, or the down right pressure of proving people WRONG I feel has been adapted in the news reporting style. If I made the calls, something would change to something that anyone present in Illinois to hear the Lincoln-Douglas debate in 1858 would say sounds oddly familiar. Well though out answers, structure to (like how a country should be run) and sensible.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blog 11


Comparing the demographics of two different zip codes that border water in San Diego country. What do I notice? What interests me?

* That a group of people of the same race will gather together and even though there is a variety
* Of other races there is a big jump between the amounts of people.
* There is usually about the same amount of males to females.

Interests me: I think that because I never thought about demographics before, I wasn't shocked or surprised or even intrigued about any of it. I think that if I were to have to research anything on this subject I would want to know why people group like (intellectual vs. ignorant) does school cliques have anything to do with this. Is this a problem or just facts on a subject. What is the motive for keeping such data?