Monday, October 20, 2008

Reflection for Newspaper

What did I like?
I think that I like "What Really Happened" the article that I wrote the best. Writing newspaper style i found, is hard for me. The style of getting to the point was hard for me to grasp since I have always been taught in the "length for a grade" example, 2 page paper. Having no guidline like that was hard, I like this one because I learned the most.

What would I improve?
Obituaries. I liked doing this part better but since I did it to fill space, I didnt take as much time looking at it as extra work, more creative writing. I am also not sure how historically accroute the stories are.

How did I manage my time?
I found out what the debates were about
where they took place
wrote and typed
found my topic (summary of debate)

I wrote a lot about my topic. I got a better understanding of what I am supost to do for homework. I read more of the debate (this is the most time consuming). My group has a plan for the rest of the project.

I finished the obituaries today. I also got a picture to go along. then I made an ad. This took up the entire time allotted.

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