Thursday, October 9, 2008

What's New? Don't ask the news.

In Joneboro, Illinois, Lincoln debated Douglas for the 3rd time, addressing topics such as common powers, and territory with unions.

Douglas said, "[I] wish to ask you whether that principle was right or wrong which guarantied to every State and every community the right to form and regulate their domestic institutions to suit themselves."

Mr. Douglas expressed his opinion consisting of the idea of the United States should have "popular sovereignty", allowing the state residents to create laws pertaining to their area.

"He [Lincoln] says that they must all become free or all become slave, that they must all be one thing or all be the other, or this Government cannot last."

Lincoln believed in a federalist government where states have rights, just Lincoln wants more regulation. This debate discusses the conflict between the two ideas.

My initial thoughts when comparing to the 2008 Presidential debates: what happened? I have never been into politics nor does it interest me now. But looking at it from the perspective of I want to get something out of this motto, I cannot say I get anything more then a nice nap when hearing the rise and fall in intonation of the 2008 candidates. This could be due to the need for instant response to cover up mistakes that the media pushes on the candidates that turns me off, or the down right pressure of proving people WRONG I feel has been adapted in the news reporting style. If I made the calls, something would change to something that anyone present in Illinois to hear the Lincoln-Douglas debate in 1858 would say sounds oddly familiar. Well though out answers, structure to (like how a country should be run) and sensible.

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