Friday, September 5, 2008

Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

In Federalist Paper number five by John Jay, it is trying to persuade the people to be federalists. It gives some main points some are: we are now in a war and now is the time to come together, we all come from the same background and are true American citizens, and it is our divine role that these people were born where they were and we need to come together.

“United people--a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government,” Jay is trying to get the message across that before when the British were over they knew nothing about our culture and weren’t even born in America. He proposes that if American citizens are a part of the government then America will stay the same and progress to a greater level.

“This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence,” “for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties”. If we unite then we shouldn’t have any problems, by everyone coming together and supporting each other. John Jay believes that if we unite for the good of this country then a government would be great.

If I were put into this situation it would be hard for me to make a choice. Coming from a government that didn’t work, to trust another one would be hard. I can see that after years a government was the right idea but I don’t know if I would think that at the time. The time period that this was written was during a war. What that means to me is that the last government started a war so I don’t want more wars why would I want another government system. Another factor is trust. I can sort of tell by the way this paper was written that he is well educated but how am I to know for sure that he know what he is talking about or what kind of person he is. The last thing that I am going to mention is I don’t know him. I feel I would have to meet him and ask questions to see what he is really after. In general I if I was put in this situation would be skeptical to what I believe. That is maybe why there are so many articles and the reason it took years for the constitution to get signed and passed

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