Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"The KKK took my baby away" -the clash

This blog is about pertains to:
Daily Mississippian
"An open letter to the KKK"


The Basic point of this letter is to tell the Ku Klux Klan they are not wanted on the University of Mississippi campus. The reason for this letter is to tell the KKK that they are not welcome to express their thoughts through the school, examples of this is the school newspaper and wall space. This to me brings up two points one the first amendment and two the declaration of independence.

The First Amendment states the right to freedoms such as freedom of speech and religion. Would not letting the KKK members express themselves be unconstitutional? The daily Mississippian is aware of this amendment and writes:
"We want to be clear: we have utmost respect for your right to express your views, but we have no respect whatsoever for those views. You may attempt to defile our beautiful campus by shouting your twisted viewpoints from the top of your lungs. No one will listen."

This reminds me of another thing that I learned in Humanities, Federalism. "An open letter to the KKK" Article is written by 5 people. Though I do not know the exact amount of people that attend this school I know it is more then 10. Which would make this article an anti-federalist view of the KKK. Even if more people agreed there are only five names that "signed" the article (this can be found at the bottom of the page that the original article came from).

The last point that I would like to make is that the declaration was about declaring independence form Great Brittan. In this article the editorial board is trying to separate the school with being associated with the KKK. This could be for the same reasons as the founding fathers of the United States had (people that they didn't have problems with they now did because they are known to be with this group, also threats, and fear). The Daily Mississippian wrote an open letter what follows because of this in my opinion going to be very interesting!

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1 comment:

Scattered said...

Very interesting…

The school has a very valid point, as do you.

Perhaps the school should just be clear: the main views of the KKK are not welcome. However, do they just not support the *group*, or anyone associated with them?