Saturday, September 27, 2008

what does marriage mean? now and in the past.

Varying from place to place, issues are different. Due to environment and culture problems arise. When writing the laws for the United States, this was an issue that they had to address. Should we take a federalist stand or an anti federalist? In the end states got the right to make their own laws.

A recent issue in the state of California is the definition of marriage. There is two ways to look at this; one is the federalist way, the other anti federalist way. The federalists want the law to be the same across the county. The anti federalist way of looking at it is to have the law vary state to state. For Marriage the reasons are similar to the reason in the civil war. For marriage, one way to look at why having gay marriage be legal in one state vs. all is that this would mean people would need to travel and not get married in places that they wanted to if it was outside the country. This would eliminate people that maybe weren't a serious making them commit more to getting married.

In the civil war the issue was slavery. In the south, slaves were legal. In the north slaves were illegal. This was an anti federalist stand since the law wasn’t the same throughout the country. Having slaves was considered the easy way. Not having to do the work just forcing someone else to do it. Part of the reason that half the country was spilt is the same reason as gay marriage. It would be a sacrifice to move everything. However in the end we went to war. I don't think that the marriage law will take us to the next civil war because of the last civil war. We learned how to address issues like this and keep it constitutional. By having the people vote for what they want.

Information gathered from:
American Civil War-Wikipedia
The Civil War Home Page
California Proposition 8- Wikipedia
California Proposition 8 (2008)-Ballotpedia
Yes on California Bonds

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