Tuesday, September 23, 2008

a reflective blog on blogging. proud. improve. understand.

What am I most proud of?
Going into this project I knew very little about blogs. I could make a comment on others but that was it. Because I didn't know a lot, I had to learn. I am happy with the outcome of my blog and posts. I have learned about the program and how to personalize it. Since this is a ongoing project, this will help me in future blogs maintaining the look I want my blog to look like. Another reason I am proud of my blog for is, I didn't really realize how open blogs are to the public. I know everyone could see but I didn't think anyone would look at mine. My blog is open to the public so I do have to keep that in mind as i write. I think that I have done a fair job at this and hopefully shown different views and made people think about what I wrote.

What could I improve on?
There is always room for improvement. I know that my blog needs a lot. I understand that I have only got a small amount of information about topics this could be due to the date it was due. However what I "blog" about is usually something I am interested in and not only would it be beneficial to continue to do research to support my claims, but I would at the same time come to be more aware of the world around me.

Has blogging really made me that more aware of the world?
well let me think...humm my main intrests are guitar, arts, sports, friends. All of these have to do with a world perspective but I never really thought of it that way. Applying what I already am intrested and seeing how it relates to the world, insted of just to the places I go to create a blog that expresses my opionions....i would have to say yes. blogging has helped me think more on a larger scale.

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