Thursday, September 4, 2008

Prop Eight

Prop. 8 is about Democracy

Prop eight is for keeping the definition of marriage between a man and a woman, that gay marriage will not be legal or civil. People of the same sex can still have the benefits of being married just not the title. It is hard to find an article that is not one sided on such a sensitive subject. This article that I read by Danny Wells (accessed on 9.4.08) is for prop eight.

Four judges in San Francisco tried to make a law that said that same sex marriages are legal, however this is four judges not necessarily what the people want. This is why prop 8 will be put on the ballot this coming November. This will make sure that the law stays by the people and for the people. However what some people are confused about is are we taking away peoples freedoms by saying yes to prop eight and not letting gay people get married.

Democracy is what the majority of the people want. What the people want is what will happen. The founding fathers of the United States of America put this into the constitution. The constitution is what America is founded on and if it is for the people then the people should vote for what they believe to be right, and not four judges making the calls.

An interesting comment is made by Danny Wells the author of this article, he says that prop eight will not deny anyone the right to love just if we consider it legal or not. Now take into consideration, by love he means love and by legal he means being married. The definition “marriage” is a concept of being bound to another, a concept found in the Bible. What I think is that since gay marriage doesn’t fall under the Bible definition then these people can have a civil union. A civil union gives them the rights to the same benefits. Now if they do not like the name “Civil Union” maybe they can have a prop on the upcoming ballot to change that name to something that matches what it is. Marriage is as far as the Bible states is between a man and a woman.

My personal option, if I was old enough I would vote yes on prop eight. Everyone has there right to option as entails in the first amendment in the bill of rights. Marriage to me is a something sacred. That is between a man and a woman. I believe that it is a divine quality to be a woman. If I was to marry anyone (male or female) then why would there be different sexes? Personally I feel if the sex of a human didn’t matter then why is there a difference.


Scattered said...

So, would you agree, then, that homosexuals should have their own union that's equally as special, just not called 'marriage'?

Mariah said...

I am saying that California has given that right to people, to have the same benefits, however the definition has always been between a man and and a woman. I am not saying change isn't good, i mean many things have to change for the better, example, slaves needed to be free America made them free. Just because something can be changed doesn't mean it should, like the definition of marriage. Weather you find it creditable or not, the bible describes marriage as between a man and a woman. America is founded by god fearing people and as long as the people of California believe in God, we should go by God's law. No matter what the law will change or stay the same based on what the people want. So if you feel strongly about this have your parents vote.