Thursday, December 10, 2009

Variegatum Spider Plant

The Spider Plant is a member of the Lily Family. The reason it is called the spider plant is because the way the leaves spread. Another name that you might hear it called is the Airplane Plant. This is because of the propeller like leaves.

Origin:It comes from West Africa. Capetown was a popular place to stop when traveling back from China. Souvenir plants included the spider plant and that is how it came to America!

Nutrition: A caution when watering the spider plant is using tap water. This is because some tap water has high fluoride levels. They put this in water to prevent tooth decay but is not friendly for your Spider Plant!

Fun Fact:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Artist Statement

The reason why we chose to focus on the ingredients in Cool whip was because we both were interested in how much High Fructose Corn Syrup and other ingredients were possibly in it that most people didn't know about. So that's why we chose to focus on the top three ingredients for Cool Whip, so that we could go more in depth with the main ones. The top three main ingredients, besides water, for cool whip are hydrogenated vegetable oil, corn syrup, and high fructose corn syrup. We found that choosing this topic will hopefully make people more aware of what is in their food. We find it important for people to be aware of what is in their food and what's going in their bodies. For example most people don't know that High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a product of corn wet-milling formed when the starches enzymes are broken down to fructose. That HFCS is a major sugar substitute has been known to be a major cause of childhood obesity and other health related problems.

Working throughout this project we were amazed at the fact that HFCS is in so many products. But what amazed us more was the argument for why HFCS is not harmful. HFCS is not bad in moderation this is true. However because it is in so many of our food products, the over consumption is harmful on a humans liver, The liver is the only place that HFCS can be broken down compared to pure sugar that can be processed throughout the entire body.

HFCS and the cons of it needs more public awareness. What would be nice to see is a decrease in tax-subsidy for HFCS. There are places that a person can go to buy foods without HFCS. This costs more because it is imported. Its up to the buyer right now to decide if spending more on their foods is what they want to do. The option out there for healthier foods. However, it is more expensive.

"Specialty Grain Terms A3-50 December 2006." Iowa State University Extension. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2009. .

"What is Corn Syrup?" WiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions. Web. 30 Nov. 2009.

Friday, November 6, 2009


“The impact of these supply restrictions already has been felt by thousands of growers and agricultural water users in San Diego County. About 5,000 customers who subscribe to a discount water program run by the MWD had those supplies cut by 30 percent as of January 1, 2008. Growers are stumping trees or finding other ways to cut production to comply with these restrictions.”[3]

San Diego has been in a water crisis for years, The world is reaching one as only 2 percent of the World’s water is safe to drink from and irrigate with.[1] 67 percent of this 2 percent is used for irrigation. The San Diego Water Authority has a "20 gallon challenge"[2] A challenge to save 20 gallons of water every day. A plan to save a little water that can add up to a lot over time. One of the ways to save water is to irrigate at night and early mornings. Another way to conserve is adjusting the water controller. Also watering your plants in multiple cycles allowing the water soaks up, loosing less water to evaporation. This water crisis has not really affected the average person; more farmers are really loosing money to this. The point of the “20 gallon challenge” is to save a little here and there which will help out in the long run. Even though this is implemented in San Diego, This method could be used globally.

Farmers, need more water then the average person needs a day to grow the crops you eat and are struggling to find new ways to conserve due to lack of resources. Yet every human needs water every day to survive. Just drinking water alone the average person is recommended to drink 4 pints of water a day.[4] This is why it is very important to conserve water because when we run out, that’s it! An example of where it is running out is the Ogallala Aquifer a major source of water that spans approximately 225,000 square miles located in the Great Plains. [5]

By watering at night and in the early morning less water is lost to evaporation.[6] This is because when the sun is shining it turns the liquid form of water and vaporizes it, leaving the area that needs to be watered and heads for the sun. When the sun isn’t out, this is not a problem. A easy solution to this world wide problem.

“Evaporation from the oceans accounts for 80% of the water delivered as precipitation, with the balance occurring on land, inland waters and plant surfaces.”[7]

It is hard sometimes to water a garden at a certain time. With the busy lifestyles that are very apparent in today's modern living, for some people making the time to water in the morning or at night when the sun isn’t out can be a challenge. This is why the second way that the “20 gallon challenge” suggests having a controlled water system is a very good idea. This makes it easier on the farmer and home gardener. The controller is preset to go off at a certain time. If once a month the controller is reset to go off to make sure it goes off when it is dark, this also helps keep water in the garden instead of evaporating. Lowes, Home Depot, and other hardware stores and gardens is a website along with many that sell this type of equipment. They sell for fairly cheap and the time that is saved, along with the water that is being saved is worth it!

One more idea is watering in cycles. By watering in cycles, the water can be absorbed in the soil. The reason that this is a good thing to do is because soil is a mixture of many different particles. This includes sand and clay. Sand does not absorb water allowing it to seep down to the deeper roots. Clay however absorbs water very well and if the soil has a lot of clay in the upper part of the soil, then the roots down further in the ground will not get the amount of water that they need. So by watering in cycles, this allows water to be absorbed then seep down and then that’s when it can be watered again. Another reason that watering in cycles is a good idea is because of runoff. This is also due to having a soil mixture with a lot of clay in it. If the soil is watered with a large amount of water at one time, then the water will absorb the first layer and then the rest will have no where else to go so it will slide off and run down the garden to places not intended to be watered.

In conclusion, I have been doing a lot of work in a garden and setting up the irrigation system for this garden. I know that it seems like a lot of work or even a burden to change a lifestyle but I know from personal experience that setting up irrigation with PVC mainlines and a drip system along with a water timer, that even though the work was a lot in the beginning, now all that I have to do is flip a switch and water is supplied to the entire garden!

[1] "HowStuffWorks "How much water is there on Earth?"" HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works! Web. 16 Oct. 2009.

[2] 20 Gallon Challenge. Web. 16 Oct. 2009.

[3] "Why should I conserve water?" 20 Gallon Challenge. Web. 16 Oct. 2009.

[4] "Benefits of Drinking Water - How much water should I drink a day - Water." Natural Nutrition - Natural Health Products. Web. 16 Oct. 2009.
"The Ogallala Aquifer Depletion." IITAP Home Page. Donald Wilhite. Web. 01 Nov. 2009.

[6] 20 Gallon Challenge. Web. 16 Oct. 2009.

[7] "Evaporation." Tech Alive Home Page. Web. 16 Oct. 2009. .

Sunday, October 25, 2009

School Lunch!

Breaking news! school lunch isn't good for you!

I think most people know this already since the coined phrase "Mystery Meat" started being said about cafeteria foods.

First Article:

"Food's Role in the Health Care Crisis |." Commonweal Institute. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. .

This article brings up the 2 biggest setbacks (I think) that are out there for people not eating healthy. If it was easier for people to get healthy foods then maybe people would. School lunch is provided by the school so the access is very easy. However school lunches are made in mass for hundreds of students and is the epitome of industrial foods. Because lunch food is provided by the school there is also a program called "free and reduced lunches" and for those who qualify get lunch for free or at a reduced price. The second part that this article says as a setback is cost. By decreasing cost that would be more appealing for people to buy.

Second Article:

This article is talks about an actual movement. And one of the major problems, some people just don't care or can't break the habit. his solution though is to make healthy foods more convenient and less expensive.

"The New York Times Log In." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. .

Third article:

This article talks about the level of consumption, along with the amount of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is in a persons diet in relation to Obesity. This article will be useful for evidence of the connection between HFCS and dieting.

Fourth Article:
This article is a strict scientific study that came to the conclusion of a "significant correlation". This can be used to show that the results are the same as what my partner and I are trying to express to our audience. It also says that it is because of increase consumption. That is a great point that we can use since HFCS isn't bad in moderation.

"Increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the United States: an ecologic assessment -- Gross et al. 79 (5): 774 --." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. .

Fifth article:
This one talks about the reason that Humans use HFCS . This is good for perspective and to help people understand why we use HFCS in the first place but also what alternatives there are.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Irragation Websites

These are a few website that I found interesting.

The first website:

"Irrigation techniques" this website explains the history of "bucket irrigation". This website is explains the downsides of home irrigation systems but also gives some ways to be more efficient. Examples are capturing run off, surge flooding, and leveling fields.

Second Website:

"Environmentally Friendly Landscaping Tip" I like this article because it writes about pathways that are most effective when trying to have the least amount of run off. This website is also very good for garden layout. The article explains a lot of ways that makes it so less water is used which is good for irrigation.

Third Website:

This is a HTML for irrigation tips. This paper has a section in it about water pressure. i found it very useful because of the language that it uses (head unit, block inlets, lateral lines). Also it explains what that is and how to use it properly. Also at the end it gives details about each section (like a mini dictionary)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chance to Change

a few topic brought up today in a discussion revolving around "Farmer in Chief" by Michael Pollan brought up some interesting points.
"It is the people up top in the government that have the power to change" stated a person in this discussion This is what I have to say:

The overall agreement is that most of the power is in the government which is out of our hands. A sentence like that can seem very pessimistic however, the government is made up of people who were once high school students and chose to go work in the government. I am a high school student, all the kids i was talking to about this are too and will in a few years have the opportunity to be the ones with the chance to change.

Food seems like such a hard thing to change. With such a strong foundation it seems at least to me that my efforts of the efforts of my class may just be a eyedropper worth of water into a large glass bowl.

During the discussion I started to wonder why I spend money on such a low quality product as industrial food. I would never want to waste my hard earned money. The fact that I have been spending money on food that has been chemically enhanced it very disturbing.

The meat that I am eating isn't the best quality that it could be. The point is I am not that picky and I am grateful for what I have but growing a cow or any other type of meaty animal to eat, i see nothing wrong with it, it feeds and keeps humans full. It is the fact that chemicals are making it so that the meat is not as nutritional as it is naturally suppose to be.

It is the fact that because people are lazy I have to compromise my health so that the farmers I pay to grow my food have it easier. If the food was still good for me and full quality that grown crops and animals are suppose to have I would say yeah lets make life easier on the farmer! But to make physical labor that has been done for centuries easier and because of this have it affect my personal body and then on top of that not give me much of a choice because the organic food is out of my spending limit is a slap in the face.

If we take the time to educate people about issues that directly affect them I have a feeling they will listen, I am being educated and I am listening.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Best Practices

One very important thing is that whenever the water is turned on that when we are done, the water from the main source is turned off. Otherwise there will be a water pressure backup .

Another thing to consider is over watering and under watering. If someone turns oin the water they need to be responsible for turning it off.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What inspired me for my seinor project?

I think that I want to focus on land and development. I see land development every day everywhere I go so I feel that I can really relate to the environment and changes around me. Something that the group talked about was deforestation. This is when they clear the forest to build industry or sometimes to grow crops. The problem with this is to accomplish this trees have to be cleared which, trees and other surrounding plants and ground are homes to many animals. Not only tearing down homes but Trees are the main source to consume CO2 and release of oxygen. Cutting down trees could make the air around the area worse with an unbalance of CO2.

The presentations helped me because I think that for senior project I have a more narrow topic of the affects on deforestation more specifically, the affect of tree loss.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What kind of Plants do I want to Grow?

Pumpkins- Sara wants to grow pumpkins also. I think that it would be really cool to carve my own pumpkin. Also I think how they grow on vines are really cool. I also like the idea of pumpkin pie…Carrots- I think it would be interesting to watch grow. Since they grow underground it would be cool not to see the outcome until its ready to eat.

Apples- I have always wanted an apple tree to have endless apples would be wonderful.

Carrots- They taste good and grow underground which is interesting

Top Two


A) Squash

B) Growing season- May or June

C) germinate- 5-7 days

D) a few months

E) has long vines but can be trimed and do not interfere with other plants

F) Needs rich soil

G) Keep moist but not drenched. Don’t let the soil dry out

H) Planted next to bean or corn patches rich soil

Needs a sunny spot (6 hours a day)

Jack-O-Lanterns come from an irish myth “Stingy Jack”

Carrots- 65 degrees for dirt

A) Vegetable

B) Growing season- Spring, cool climates

C) germinate- about two weeks

D) 2-3 months

E) 3/4ths of an inch apart

F) 6.5 ph

G) one inch of water per week from irrigation

H) beans, chives, cucumbers, flax

Carrots originated in Afghanistan (they were never a orange color they were red, white and yellow.

Enviromental Science

What is one thing in the natural world that I am curious about?

Trees. I have always wondered how something can grow up. Trees start out as something so small and then get to be bigger then me. I wonder how the branches grow up and out and what stops it from being pulled back to the ground by gravity.

Monday, May 18, 2009

For Magazine

1. What went well for you during the process of creating this magazine?
I had a lot of pictures that I could use. Choosing pictures was the easy part.

2. What challenges did you face as you moved from an early draft or idea to a final product?
Making my essay make sense. Because the wording was fire department jargon so I had to make the general public understand.

3. What other examples of work—student and professional—stood out as exemplary and served as a good model for your own work?
I used a lot of the national geographic magazine ideas because national geographic has a lot of photo essay style pages.
1. Overall, when you think about the big picture of your writing, what improved? How did it get better? Why?
My work is now easier to understand. In my earlier drafts, I had a lot of Fire Department jargon like "fire prop" which i changed to... and "PASS" which i changed from Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep to "I am applying a fundamental tactic that firefighters use (known as PASS): Pull the tab, Aim at the fire, Squeeze the handle, Sweep the base of the fire (PASS)."
2. Overall, when you think about the big picture of your writing, what still needs work? What do you think will help you improve? Why?
I think that, getting my final draft back made me relize how much people had helped me. I got plenty of advice on what i should do and some contrdicted others advice. I think that I would choose more carfully the kind of advice I took to make the entire essay sound worded the same.
3. Specifically, show us something that improved and describe the path it took to get better. You can quote your article, your drafts, link to evidence, etc.
My introduction got a lot better. It after a few revisions I had:
"It takes more then showing up to be a hero. The actions that build up to a point where someone can help is often overlooked. The time it takes to be trained is on these peoples free time, and the courage to actually act is another story. A Battalion Chief and a CERT member walk to their destination as they train to someday save your life."
This is what went into the magazine:
"Being a hero takes more then arriving at a disaster scene. We often overlook the actions the actions that build up to a point where someone can help. Volunteers known as Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) do their part in a major disaster. CERT members are trained in fire suppression, light search and rescue and first aid. When CERT has done their initial assessment, firefighters continue the high-level dangers. In this picture, a CERT member is giving a man a blanket to stay warm and to prevent hypothermia."
4. Describe something specific (or a few things!) that you learned about writing.
What really hepled me is the "Concerts not Pancakes" sentance structure I have found improves my writing a lot.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

CERT Survive

Being a hero takes more then arriving at a disaster scene. We often overlook the actions the actions that build up to a point where someone can help. Volunteers known as Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) do their part in a major disaster. CERT members are trained in fire suppression, light search and rescue and first aid. When CERT has done their initial assessment, firefighters continue the high-level dangers. In this picture, a CERT member is giving a man a blanket to stay warm and to prevent hypothermia.

A quick jolt and the fire prop is lit. Starting a fire is so easy. A firefighter steps back as he lights the fire prop during a CERT drill. This fire prop is a training tool that trains CERT members to aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire, which cuts off the fuel killing the flame.

I pick up the fire extinguisher along with my helmet, gloves, and glasses for safety protection. I walk towards the fire and scream "Going In". Grabbing my back is a lady, she is my partner. Two in two out is the most important rule. Two people entering anywhere and two people exit. No one leaves his or her partner. The buddy system is basic but highly important to insure safety for everyone.

CERT members take out fires with extinguishers, these bottles last about two minutes, which is all you need to take out a fire of this size. The first hit gets near the base of the fire, but the fire is still standing strong. You must hit the sensors located at the base of the prop to extinguish the fire.

I am applying a fundamental tactic that firefighters use (known as PASS): Pull the tab, Aim at the fire, Squeeze the handle, Sweep the base of the fire (PASS). While sweeping the base of the fire, the fuel that is feeding the fire is cut, deprived of oxygen and starts to die.

The fire is gone within seconds. The problem is over and the drill almost complete. Back out safely and it’s over. Although just a drill this time, CERT members are trained so that one-day they can tackle real danger. CERT has helped out in the 2007 witch fires- driving firefighters around, filling up rigs with water and more. These are all things that helped keep the firefighters out on the front line fighting fire.

CERT members have completed the drill. The place gets dark and the fire is gone. But, even after extinguishing one small fire, more often follow. It’s time to move on, time to save another home, building, and community.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Planning for The Magazine

I would like to contribute my photo essay. I would also like to use my interview.

Possible title is "The HTHMA Experience"

Possible title that I would like to read is "How I connected my life to the real world through an internship"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


How important are the following at my internship?
Profit: sort of managing money is big. With a non profit organization it seems that everything has to go under some type of code. Also with grants from the government I am learning that the money is very closely watched which shocked me a little because I have always been told/imagined that the goverment has (or acts like it) has a endless supply of money.

Social Welfair: Highly, I see this a lot in my mentor. She is always concerned with the safety of everyone and is constantly giving. CERT is an orginzation that is structured arould the welfair of others.
Advertising: Thats my job! I am creating a informative video besides that, CERT isnt really advertised only when CERT members go out an help like in the 2007 Witch fires. There advertising is the people in the program giving service.

Promotion: not really. Learning is more imporatant and staying continuing education is stressed a lot.

Markets: nope

Economic/Politics: They have to account for the money that they are receving and log everything to avoid problems of loss of money. This is important because they could loose grants if they don't follow all the rules.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Internship Immersion

For the next two weeks I am going to my internship for 7 hours a day, Monday through Friday. In this immersion experience I am excited to start filming for the CERT Academy. This will be very fun because I will learn what CERT is really about. I have a good understanding on what CERT does but someone telling me their elevator pitch and experiencing myself is totally different.

Along with being excited I also have some concerns. Since I will be creating a short film, I am concerned with the amount of footage that I will be able to film. The reason this concerns me is because I want to have many options when I am editing.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Overtime, Where is the Choice?

Budget Cuts Means More Overtime

Interview with Maurice Luque

“There is that potential that the limit to how much work time a firefighter can work. Once he or she has reached that limit they can't work it anymore.” - Maurice Luque

San Diego Fire-Rescue Department spokesman Maurice Luque said “there’s a pension program and that pension program pays eight percent on the money that is invested in that program for people. So if there is a chief here that has been with the department for 20 years he is part of the retirement program and he is putting money into that program and has been earning 8%. The city has to pay that interest on that money. This isn’t just for the fire department; it is for all city employs can invest in this pension program. Because of the economy and everything the Board is thinking about reducing the amount of interest that is paid on that money, the money that is invested for retirements. Like banks have reduced the amount they have on savings, they have reduced that amount down. If that amount drops, a lot of people retire early. Because then they can lock in the 8% plan and they wont get stuck with a lower % plan on their savings. So for the rest of there life they will get 8% on their retirement benefits. If they don’t retire and their interest rate goes down, they are only going to get 2. And many times that is not going to be economical for them to stay so they retire early.”

The San Diego Fire Department is government run; therefore the government pays for the expenses of the Fire Department. The city has been thinking about lowering the percent in the pension plan for all city employees, this could result in firefighters retiring early, and those still on the job to have to work overtime to fill the need of the city.

There have been cuts in the amount of people in the actual Fire Academy this year, and instead of having two Academies, only having one. I asked Maurice Luque: How will this affect the way that the department has shifts?

Maurice Luque: If we have a lot of retirements in the fire department, could loose about 100 people who retire early. To lock in that higher interest rate they are getting in on their pension. That will cause us to have our existing work force work more over time until we have an academy to get people trained and all the spots that are open from people that have retired. So we will probably have to hurry up and have an academy and in the mean time, using our existing firefighters the ones who are off duty now, have them work over time. Pay them overtime and keep doing that until we have enough new employs to bring into the workforce.”….. “see right now we do use some firefighters on overtime, you know to fill because it is cheaper to use those people as we need them, call them in as we need them rather then have more people then we can use. And it varies because people get sick, hurt, you know want extended leaves, family emergencies and so forth. It’s a fluctuating figure. And so the way we compensate for that is we call in the people who are off duty to come in and work, they sign up to work when they are off duty and so we just call them in off this list. If we need 10 we call in 10 if we need 5 we call in 5 if we don’t need any we don’t call in any. But we are always calling in somebody if they are on vacation or that type of thing. Well these firefighters are always working overtime and its cheeped to bring people in and have them work over time then it is to higher brand new employs. You know because we don’t have to pay insurance and we don’t have to pay benefits and all the overtime costs.”

Mariah Teemsma: are there any concerns because of this?

Maurice Luque: Yes there are and the concerns are, the younger the workforce the less experiences there are and that means that a higher degree of on the job training that you need, the higher degree of supervision you have because you don’t have as much experience. There are things out there that are changing, it’s a younger workforce, and if you have a workforce that has been in place for a long time you have very little people that aren’t experienced and they know what to expect, and they have been to fires, and they have been to rescues, kind of done it all so they work with a minimum of supervision and to have new employs, and new people coming in they need guidance, they need closer supervision. Because you don’t want to get them hurt, make sure they know what they are doing until they reach that level of experience. The workforce is changing right now. And that is the additional challenge of continuing to train them to get in the workforce the thing is in the mean time they have to go to real accidents and real rescues and real fires. And so we have to be very careful about people getting hurt and the right supervision. They are not veteran they haven’t been there and done that before. And so we have to watch over them so it does create a real emphasis on safety, we always have a real emphasize on safety, but even more so when you have a younger worker.

Mariah Teemsma: how do you feel that situations like this could better be handled?

Maurice Luque: Well I think that it’s a real tricky issue here you have a city that has finical problems and they can’t be thinking about getting people pay raises. There is a contention of the firefighters union that they are not paid competitive to what other cities are paying there firefighters and they have done some studies that have showed that other cities pay there firefighters more then the firefighters are getting here, a better contract or whatever. So there has been a little bit of a tough economic time a lot of firefighters were leaving San Diego to go to other cities that paid more money, the police had the same problem two things slowed that down. The first one is the police got a better contract so now there pay was more competitive. Less people leaving the police department, then the economic situation where other city departments are not hiring new people. They’ve seen budget cuts and challenges like we are and they are not likely to continue the same type of pay increase that has happened here. And they are going to kind of hold the line. And the way that slows down people’s decision to move on when there is an unsure economic time. They are not going to leave San Diego for LA when they here that LA cut back on there Fire Department. And they be closing stations and are laying off admin people there so it kind of keeps people in place but you question is how could we avoid the kind of transit of the workforce that leaves. I think that the key is to paying competitively being competitive in your salary pay firefighters, pay police what other departments pay and now you have equity and now there is not a tendency to leave the department to go somewhere else. So that I think is another way, when your benefits are equal.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What blogs are out there with outstanding examples of:

1. Economic advice to Barack Obama?
Paul's Blog

I thought that this was a good blog because his beginning paragraphs were very well done. He explains very well how we have a economic problem.

"Our current economic situation is unstable and government programs pumping money into failing businesses is only perpetuating this unsustainable habit of spending that has gripped the country."

2. Literary Analysis?
Amanda's Blog
I thought that this was good because she writes about how important the characters are and then she states how the author uses characters in the book.

"The author uses character, conflict, and foreshadowing to develop the theme that a capitalist society is an extremely difficult place to live in if you are part of the lower class. The first theme I found to be very important is character. Without characters in the story there would be no plot and no storyline, it is the characters where the story is based upon."

3. Historical Writing?
Vanessa S.

She explains the current elections that just happened and compares them to the elections in 1896.

"The 1800’s was not a very stable time in American history and there where many issues that were seeking a solution with the election of 1896. With the upcoming election, the lucky voters where persuaded by many factors such as the upcoming war with Spain, the economy and Populism."

4. Anything else that makes blogs great?

Nyachare's Blog
This blog looks very professional. I like this because it is easy to read.

Monday, February 16, 2009


What responsibility do we have for the understanding of science?
Darwin had a question and went out to try and solve it. As humans we have a responsibility to become who we want to be. So for someone who is curious about the world around them it is there responsibility to go and figure it out. This is what Darwin did, we have to learn from what he discovered and make our own discoveries.

How should science influence our decisions, laws, and culture?

Something like gravity has been proven to be true, so we should not build things or do things that would go against Newtons laws because that would be dangerous. By questioning science we are making new discoveries. I think that imagination and curiosity are the reasons that as a human race we have come so far. Inventing things like the airplanes and cars are because people were willing to take a chance in being wrong. I think that behaviors such as curious, imaginative and questioning everything should be praised in a society that is growing rapidly.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama Blog

The people have shown time after time that they hold a lot of power, and when organized, sometimes what seems like a miracle occurs examples are Civil Rights, American Labor laws. When the public is informed, thats when change is expected.

The civil rights the slaves won freedom, labor laws were put in place to protect the people when they worked. There are many issues that are still underground and hidden from the public. a current issue is schools. Schools have a grading system that to some sense puts the students in a situation where colleges look at them as a product not as a person. I say this because grades are letters, so therefor labeling people as letters and not humans. This is an issue that has been a unjust system since different teachers grade differently. However not many people look at the problems behind grades because we never really think about the problems.

Obama advice to you, inform the public. If you inform the public in a truthful manner we will react. This is our country and our life, we will try to make it better. We have shown this throughout time. Having rallies and unions, we will strive for a better community but we need the facts not news reporters with bias views.

Monday, February 9, 2009

new questions


5. Former Chief Bowman said that he

*could not do anything to improve staffing levels and available resources,

*Chief Jarman said in regards to cutting down the number of firefighters,

“It will compound the problem a bit, but this was the best option available.”

*How do you feel about this, knowing that the chief has limited options?

4. There have been cuts to the amount of people in the San Diego Fire academies and instead of having two academies this year only having one.

*How will this affect the way that the departments have shifts?

*Are there any other concerns because of this?

11. How do you feel that situations like this could better be handled?

2. "Studies indicate that firefighters and police officers lose a substantial amount of time off their lifespan due to stresses, exposures and physical impairment -Quote from the Local 145.
Does working overtime affect stress?

3. Will this ware out the firefighters faster?

Would more engine companies lessen stress?

6. Budget cuts affect the public safety, how?

1.“The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard is to arrive on scene of an emergency within six minutes 90 percent of the time; in San Diego, we hit six minutes less than 50 percent of the time.” This quote is from the Local 145 website.

*Why is this, is this due to staffing levels and available resources?

Problem Solving:

8. How do firefighters, like you, cope with the current financial crisis we are facing in the economy?

*(Personally/as an organization)

10. Do you feel the Fire Department is changing for the better or the worse, or is it staying the same?

14. Do you think that the effort put in is getting the department anywhere? (Examples),

*what is stopping the progress?

12. What have you done to help better situations like this?

7. What motivates you to put your life on the line in a situation for fighting a major fire? Is it more of community rallying and team effort or is there something that motivates you from inside?

9. Do you feel supported by the government?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Time: 10:45
Location: 2nd ave
Technology to record: recorder

Monday, February 2, 2009

This makes a great interview.

This makes a great interview.

Flexibility: questions should serve as starting conversation, a type of guideline, not a script.
Example: How are you today? followed up with why, what put you in this mood.

Storyline: ask the questions in a way that can be told in a story. This will help others relate.
Example: How did you find yourself in this job. Why did you pick this career?
Bill O'Reilly starts with a topic which was War on Terror that branched off to other questions.

Correlating Questions: have a theme. This will have a more structured interview where a point can be made.
Example: how did you get involved in this job? what was appealing about it? These questions focus around the subject's job.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Service to the People:
1. Is the Fire Department put in a situation that makes things hard but doesn’t necessarily cut out rendering a service for helping people?

2. In the Cedar fires 2400 homes were burned down, it is reported that one of the reasons that not all the houses were saved is because of staffing levels and lack of available resources. Do you think that if these were not a factor then the fire department could have saved more houses?

3. Do you think that 2400 houses is a lot compared to all of what you saved?

4. “The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard is to arrive on scene of an emergency within six minutes 90 percent of the time; in San Diego, we hit six minutes less than 50 percent of the time.” This quote is from the Local 145 website. Why is this, is this due to staffing levels and available resources?

5. How do you feel about overtime vs. more engine companies? Will this help the people in the long run or just save money, will this ware out the firefighters faster? "Studies indicate that firefighters and police officers lose a substantial amount of time off their lifespan due to stresses, exposures and physical impairment (thus lessening the liability to the retirement system)."
-Quote from the Local 145.

6. Cutting down the size of the academies and instead of having two academies this year only having one. How will this affect the way that the departments have shifts? Are there any other concerns because of this?

7. Former Chief Bowman said that he could not do anything to improve staffing levels and available resources. This has been a problem in the national response time. He said that he could not do anything to help better the situation, Chief Jarman said in regards to cutting down the number of firefighters, “It will compound the problem a bit, but this was the best option available.” How do you feel about this, knowing that the chief has limited options, options that will cut peoples jobs that are necessary to protecting life and property?
-Quote from

8. Budget cuts affect the public safety, how?

Problem Solving:
9. How do firefighters, like you, cope with the current financial crisis we are facing in the economy? (Personally/as an organization)

10. What motivates you to put your life on the line in a situation for fighting a major fire? Is it more of community rallying and team effort or is there something that motivates you from inside?

11. Do you feel supported by the government?

12. How do you feel that situations like this could better be handled?

13. What have you done to help better situations like this?

14. How many firefighters do you think are actively involved in trying to have better working situations? (1,319 Local 145 members)

15. Do you think that the effort put in is getting the department anywhere? (Examples)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mariah's First's: Internship

My first day of internship was January 13th. Right after my last class I grabbed something to eat and went directly to my internship site. I started early because I found my own internship. My Internship is with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). I drive to internship, which is very convenient. On my first day I met everyone in the office, this was very fun because I became very good friends with everyone in there. They are all very nice people. I helped my mentor get ready for the meeting later. Then I spoke to my mentor about plans for what the internship would consist of.

Friday, January 23, 2009

China isn't honoring the International Agreement, does that mean we shouldn't too?

"United there is little we cannot do...Divided there is little we can do."

John F. Kennedy said this in his inauguration speech. Today in North Korea, The people are very aware of this relying on humanitarians, traffickers, activists, and missionaries to operate an Asian underground railroad. There are many who are trying to escape from North Korea. These civilians are working and paying for their freedom.

John F. Kennedy also said, "In your hands, my fellow citizen, more then mine." It is up the North Koreans to become free and even though there the government is against that, the people have united in helping each other.

"These people have lost all their rights,” states Pastor Chun Ki-won an active member in the transport to freedom.

Pastor Chun has taken it into his own hands to free many North Koreans and even though China should be taking North Koreans as refugees China is labeling them as "economic migrants". If North Koreans are caught, punishments such as starved, torched or even publicly executed and because of this punishment, China is being urged to honor its International Agreement to take in refugees.

"In the Months leading up to the 2008 Olympics, Chinese authorities intensified their efforts to apprehend defectors”
–National Geographic February 2008 magazine.

Chinese would deport dozens sometimes hundreds of defectors in just the course of one week. With everything against them it would be easy to give up so it seems, but the choice that North Koreans face is no rights or possibly dying in an effort to have a much better life in South Korea.
Because the United States of America has laws to protect them, John F. Kennedy talks in his inauguration speech “ We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom.” This is something that for North Koreans that are defectors is striving for. Because it will not happen in there own country they are choosing to leave.

“To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required -- not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”

The North Koreans are trying to have a better life, they are showing effort in reaching freedom, giving everything and running the risks of death and work prisons, starvation and the fear of starting over. There are many out there trying to escape, and though there is few helping them, still there are suffers, still there is injustice, we still have a window to help. China is not honoring their International Agreement, does that mean that we shouldn’t too?

O'Neill, Tom. "Escaping North Korea." National Geographic Feb. 2009: 74-99.
John F. Kennedy's First
Inauguration Speech

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted – for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame."

it has been known to be said that the greatest gifts in life come with hard work. Obama's inauguration I found to be more powerful. The reason behind this is that "the greatness of our nation" I translate that into the greatness of the people since the people make the nation. I get the sense that everyone holds a power to achieve what is most important to them. That is the reason the United States of America was established was for this reason and no one will miss out on the tangible American Dream.

I have often found myself wondering why others can cheat and not get caught, lie and not feel bad, steal and think that nothing is wrong. Why my grades in school would struggle while those who took a less honest path would get the grade that determines college and career opportunity. Grades, the whole system to me seams unjust in the fact that I am labeled to a letter and that is looked at at surface value. In Obama's inauguration I felt more like a person and that hard work will be acknowledged in this country.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Rock and Rolls, Fame to Blame? (revising)

"well, it used to be a vulgarism back in the dead old days"

Music is always changing content wise on what is considered appropriate to say. Parental advisories have been established to help inform people of what kind of music they are buying. At the beginning of rock and roll music Buddy Holly was considered devilish but compared to modern day music could only be looked at as innocent lyrics. The standard for what is considered an advisory is also changing label to label.

“Oh, how my heart yearns for you. Oh, Peggy, my Peggy sue.”
These lyrics are from Buddy Holly’s “Peggy Sue”. The lyrics simply mean that Buddy Holly feels sad when Peggy is not around. The original song was named “Cindy Lou” after Buddy’s niece but then later was changed to Peggy Sue after a band member’s girl friend. That means that the music wasn’t even talking about a girlfriend. However in the 1950’s this was considered the devil’s music. When speaking openly about kissing a girl, and to conservatives in the “bible belt” of America this was inappropriate. Enough to have Buddy’s dad disown him.

“I got my brain on hype. Tonight'll be your night .I got this long-a**ed knife, and your neck looks just right.”

This song is referring to killing police officers. This song brought up so much controversy that the song ended up taking off the song off the album.

Three: Both of these songs had consequences for their songs. Between the two, “Cop Killer” is most certainly worse in topic however Buddy Holly got similar treatment when his music came out. Local radio stations were told not to play his music. How are the lyrics different but both given the name by people of "devilish". Why is this?

Conclusion: with Americans freedom of speech right protected, we could say whatever we want with the only downside being people's approval at risk.

Friday, January 9, 2009

In these article, there were a few things that caught my attention. What was interesting to me was when the 7 sins article said that "by taking policymaking away from scientist, and turning it over to industry cronies" What made me wonder about this quote it, if the scientists know what we should do and back it up with evidence then when election comes around then the people that vote for who they want to represent them then they should pick an environmentalist. This would help them in getting a better environment. Another thing that I knoticed about the articles is that in the 7 sins, he says "Obama Mission" a lot. These are to state Obama's plans. bush also had plans and some people like the person who wrote 7 sins should also consider that Obamas only has plans now so we should be optimistic but also realize that even though he has good ideas we should wait for action to decide what will happen.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Community Emergency Responce Team (CERT) Internship

1. What do you hope to learn or discover about the "adult" world of work while you are at your internship?

I hope to gain experience of how to react in situations and how the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) works since the San Diego Fire Department (SDFD) works with them.
My fundamental goal is to become a Firefighter for the city of San Diego. I would like to develop the knowledge I have acquired through the Cadet Firefighter program and apply it to this internship.

2. What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself and your identity while you are at your internship this semester?

I want to be able to identify what an internship should consist of and how to react in certain situations such as the kind of knowledge that I should gain.

3. What goals do you have for yourself for your internship experience?

I am not really sure what I am getting into since I have never done this before. I feel that if I get anything out of this that it would be anything that will help me in the long run become a Fire Fighter.